weesin - user1234

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user204569
Weesin you smell like pesint yeah you know it you trash and you like a resident t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t you suck.

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weesin 5 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
'weesin got a hair line aint even fixed right' doesn't even make sense. I have no idea what you're trying to say. Your attempts to insult me do nothing other than make you look rude and ignorant. If someone wants to insult me, try to do so in a complete, grammatically correct sentence because I really don't care what morons have to say. If you can't string a sentence together properly, your intelligence - and therefore, your opinions - are in question and don't hold much value
user73922 5 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
weesin got a hair line aint even fixed rught
bigeasy43 5 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
weesin just shut up you child.
user204569 5 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
will you like pill in jills mouth
weesin 5 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
I'm amazed at the childishness and pettiness of people on this site. This quote is absolute garbage. And rude. And pointless. Grow up. If you think I care what illiterate people like yourself have to say, you're sadly mistaken.
user204569 5 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
who is that
juicypear1300 5 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
hey terry you look like berry you came in your pants looking at cherry berry.
bigeasy43 5 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
Garbed? You have been garbed!
user204569 5 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
weesin who made this oute this is in solting
user204569 5 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
weesin who made this oute this is in solting
user71815 5 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
Oh my goodness...weesin deserves it.
user204569 5 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
yeah kinda like you face
juicypear1300 5 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
lol this quote is garbed

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