yee yee - yee yee

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von williamm
I'm gonna hit the yee yee on your mamma and then hit the dab. Also I beat up this guy who said yee yee is bad he was a libtard. Now i'm am mentally challenged and am lonely and dumb but YEE YEE baby.

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ddddd 4 Jahre, 10 Monate vor
Quality content
weesin 5 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
jokes are only funny if they make sense....otherwise, it's just stupidity that only you find funny
williamm 5 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
its a joke LIBTARD
weesin 5 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
This quote is utter nonsense. A complete waste of time. There are so many errors in this quote

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