Importance of Writing Skills - Online Source

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von weesin
Some mistakes are simply inexcusable for anyone over the age of 18. I'll admit that I have been known to call out friends over mistakes like these - I'll happily be "that guy" in an effort to make this world a better place to live and read freely without the fear of having my eyeballs assaulted by the grammatical equivalent of pepper spray. I say that somewhat jokingly of course, but editing is a simple fix for something that is so critical to the way many perceive another person's intelligence.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user367885 120.98 96.3%
alliekarakosta 120.29 96.7%
phraznikov 115.56 98.0%
infestedgeek 112.30 93.5%
user76248 111.98 93.5%
user511259 110.86 95.4%
justarabbit 110.74 95.3%
mafuso 110.70 98.8%
strikeemblem 110.50 96.6%
hannahmorris93 109.59 97.3%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user107920 21.64 94.3%
user514706 47.69 83.9%
user85179 74.59 93.5%
geryjs 107.47 95.4%
layeringyellow 62.55 92.8%
thecrazydane2 61.03 89.1%
slaughtermelon 71.88 95.4%
slaughtermelon 79.98 97.5%