You're Filled With Determination - Undertale - Undyne

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von itypegood
Seven. Seven human souls. With the power of seven SOULs we could take the surface back from humanity... and give them back the suffering and pain that we have endured. Understand, human? This is your only chance at redemption. Give up your soul... or I'll tear it from your body.

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ravenstar8998 5 Jahre, 1 Monat vor
I really enjoy how you came up with this as one of the tests. I started typing it without realizing that it was from undertale and then I read the seven souls and read the title XD

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sohpe 140.68 97.2%
dopaminex 128.10 89.5%
user835187 120.37 98.9%
phraznikov 115.95 97.9%
berryberryberry 115.15 94.3%
kvxome 113.85 96.2%
strikeemblem 112.73 98.6%
qwertytheburpy 112.55 95.9%
fockinusernaime 112.37 95.9%
darrenoyp95 112.28 95.9%

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zachwillis 55.61 86.4%
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thecrazydane2 63.32 92.1%
nischal2015 87.76 92.4%
user835187 120.37 98.9%