If I've learned anything... - Alaindelon

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von alaindelon
It's that a decent amount of those who contribute quotes should proofread more, or at all for that matter. On a site that exists to teach people how to type more effectively; things like grammar and sentence structure should have a higher priority. For example, if you use a transition you need a comma. Proper nouns are capitalized. If you're going to list items you need a colon. I realize this is a case of grammar Nazism, but you're trying to get better at typing aren't you?

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weesin 5 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
I would whole-heartedly support/vote for the Typists' National Socialist Party of Grammar!
anhiro 5 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
Only the the Typist's National Socialist Party of Grammar can move this website forward!
gtrreaper43 5 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
true very true
weesin 5 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
I couldn't agree more!!! It's nice to learn that I'm not the only one on this site who is offended by the apparent illiteracy of a lot of the people on this site.

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jgdude 105.60 92.8%
djsharpe113 100.06 91.6%
indigopush 96.71 92.6%
anhiro 94.04 97.0%
elpatrongarcia 92.20 96.6%
jacki.tapia 91.14 98.0%
tylercounts 86.45 92.1%
pontoko 86.08 93.4%
chronocasio 85.29 98.6%
ericyan168 84.87 97.2%

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bellasmom 67.36 92.5%
elpatrongarcia 92.20 96.6%
user843630 67.20 96.0%
jgdude 105.60 92.8%
bigwhiteround1 34.91 89.4%
tpapera 46.57 98.6%
mlm2 37.20 96.0%
stardustroses 32.32 93.6%