My First Quote. - Devin

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user577170
I'm not the sharpest knife in the cabinet. All I could say is that they are maybe right nobody is perfect not even me, of course, I would like to say that I am a good person even though I have had some struggles in my life but always stay true to yourself.

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alkos 2 Monate, 1 Woche vor
this is definitely one of the quotes of all time
weesin 5 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
the punctuation in this quote is terrible

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user871724 169.53 98.1%
2001or2 148.59 95.5%
dcb87 120.81 98.8%
alkos 119.82 98.8%
jgdude 107.30 95.5%
trishadgk 105.40 91.8%
tjapit 101.29 95.9%
algo 97.21 97.7%
bkbroiler 91.41 97.3%
ultradianairshi 89.91 94.8%

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helven 79.47 94.1%
user843630 85.37 95.5%
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wearefriends1989 72.67 95.5%
janhernandez_b39 72.55 99.6%
mpizano 38.04 88.2%
kehe4 84.01 92.8%
user843630 85.11 93.8%