Strive for improvement - Nizam Khan (Me)

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von typinggeekin
Opportunities are many, finding them takes time and fulfilling them takes both time and effort. Don't just sit and wait for the opportunities, push yourself hard to make it happen and when you achieve be proud of your achievement, but don't be egoistic. When you become successful in what you do, help others with your knowledge and experience so that they become successful.

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kiriiya 3 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
Oh ye of virtue.

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Score (WPM) Verteilung für dieses Zitat. Mehr.

Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
typin_ 169.03 94.5%
hackertyper492 156.24 96.9%
vmlm 142.65 98.2%
user491757 137.64 98.4%
ze_or 137.53 98.7%
user523355 136.89 98.7%
tecc 134.32 100%
lirich90 132.58 98.9%
penguino_beano 131.26 93.8%
charismanguyen 129.14 95.9%

Kürzlich für

Name WPM Genauigkeit
colinoooooooo 86.51 95.4%
npabs 98.96 91.9%
memory_allocation 84.40 93.8%
kicko 100.91 94.2%
cwnichols81 55.86 97.4%
user811721 48.27 88.0%
mcgambril 83.40 96.2%
donoshea 75.22 89.3%