Nehl Sarmiento Almazan

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user890176
I need a home, Not a home that build in materials. I need a home; a home that make me feels I'm inside in your arms. I miss my home in your arms, in your heart. But now I'm just a beggar begging for my home.

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weesin 5 Jahre, 9 Monate vor
Once again, the grammar in this quote is absolutely unforgivable.

Stop posting posts when you clearly can't compose a sentence properly

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2001or2 128.62 90.4%
lienlinnn 126.52 95.0%
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20231205 89.66 99.5%

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rkoh 93.37 96.3%
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lienlinnn 126.52 95.0%