
This quote wurde hinzugefügt von kmcd
Tell the people you love every single day that they are beautiful, that they are valuable, and that they are the entire world to someone else. Remind them that the world is a much more beautiful place with them in it. Remind yourself of the same.

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user85577 3 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
kiriiya 3 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
Congratulations, this has to be the sappiest quote on the database. SQLi-worthy.

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user939249 158.06 95.4%
hackertyper492 156.79 96.1%
user401321 156.20 98.4%
2001or2 151.42 96.5%
user37933 150.47 97.6%
user81230 150.12 97.6%
thorgott2 147.61 99.2%
am4sian 147.25 98.4%
uerty 146.97 97.6%
lirich90 146.88 99.2%

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huntergordon 67.80 95.7%
user381085 141.90 96.9%
austinavalle 101.03 96.9%
ellxi39 130.12 100%
user69750 54.48 94.6%
kambi 66.97 97.2%
reamerton 72.95 93.2%
user107477 45.54 97.6%