Continue typing, just don't skip - Tuanhm

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user68438
Have you already read this quote title? Yes. It clearly said: "Continue typing, just don't skip." I know this because I've been through this, just like you. Adjust your seat height, crack your finger knuckles, start on typing, just to be ruined by a single mis-typing. And you hit 'Escape' key to skip. Form quote to quote, skip just for a single mistake. Really frustrating, isn't it? The key here is, trying to slow down and focus on accuracy. You type much slower than you think you do.

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basicprinter 102.79 95.9%
ned1230 98.85 91.6%
therobotclustr2 97.87 96.6%
hummer350 81.10 98.6%
user795835 69.90 98.0%
user69136 61.69 90.7%
typered12 60.14 92.6%
jjh3218 55.50 95.7%
baconbatman 52.61 88.4%
user216161 50.26 97.0%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
basicprinter 102.79 95.9%
baconbatman 52.61 88.4%
user69136 61.69 90.7%
jtee3ee 49.11 90.7%
hummer350 81.10 98.6%
user623547 47.07 89.9%
user211634 43.14 90.2%
therobotclustr2 97.87 96.6%