Can't stop, won't stop typing. Until I better myself. - Jarryd Jackson

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von jrabjackson
Still having trouble typing? I have to ask you a question and you have to be honest with me. When you're typing, do you look at the keyboard? Even if it's for a second. If the answer is yes, you're already setting yourself up for failure. We cannot have that. We've spent too much time typing to set ourselves up for failure. You can look at the keyboard when you start typing, but once that locomotion has started going, don't look down. I promise you'll get better.

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weesin 6 Jahre vor
The last part of your "quote" doesn't make this part and edit it please

You can look at the keyboard when you start typing, but once that locomotion has started going. Don't look down and I promise you'll get better.

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user871724 144.02 95.1%
zhengfeilong 125.03 96.9%
geryjs 118.99 97.7%
lkcrz9 113.28 95.2%
mirroredreality 111.78 98.1%
sarahtesia 111.15 97.5%
namtracire 109.57 96.1%
escew 107.43 96.1%
user64970 107.40 97.1%
djsharpe113 106.76 93.4%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
megadragon 67.25 92.9%
user843630 85.35 96.3%
afminto 96.89 95.1%
geryjs 118.99 97.7%
user871724 144.02 95.1%
user99861 50.25 91.9%
clairebearr 91.45 94.2%
delacruz.danilojr 94.44 95.5%