Get out and meet someone already. - Jarryd Jackson

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von jrabjackson
As technology advances human interaction decreases. We cannot let this happen. We are humans and we cannot stare at a computer screen all day. I understand "facetime" is human interaction, but not the kind we need. We need to get out and meet people. Put down that device and take a walk outside. Make it a goal to meet someone new every week and become friends. Plus! You now have a new typing buddy to email!

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
typin_ 156.97 94.9%
marinate 121.23 98.6%
strikeemblem 115.68 96.7%
cosmicmagic 113.44 94.3%
lowibu 112.49 99.0%
loboru 111.03 99.5%
tiffanyanne3 108.39 96.9%
indigopush 108.04 95.3%
definepenguins 105.81 97.2%
kyle_w 105.27 97.9%

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user107948 77.84 92.4%
annbelingan_31 26.11 96.5%
strikeemblem 98.42 90.3%
sylviaspar 28.05 88.8%
lumberlyactions 77.14 95.8%
kyle_w 105.27 97.9%
user11228 53.87 88.2%
ironherald 82.10 94.8%