daokarachi - ahmed

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von daokarachi
Islamabad: A Delegation From, The, United, States, Pharmacopeia (USP) Has, Offered, To, The, Ministry, Of National, Health, Services, (NHS) To, Improve, And, Make, the Drug, Regulatory, Of, Pakistan, (Drap) A Self-Sufficient, Body, Headed By, Emily, M. Kaine, the Delegation, Met, Federal, Minister, For, NHS, Aamer, Mehmood, Kiani, On Tuesday. The, Minister, Was Informed, About The, World, Health, Organisationl, (WHO) Global, Benchmarking, Took, And Development.

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stephendumeyer 2 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
yeah what they said
stephendumeyer 2 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
yeah what they said
user80171 3 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
well this was stupid
weesin 6 Jahre vor
you really need to stop posting "quotes" like this. No one wants to read or type your randomly strewn together words...

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