Wieland; or The Transformation - Charles Brockden Brown

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von dracone
A half hour passed away in this stat of suspense. Her eyes were fixed upon the rock; suddenly it has illuminated. A light proceeding from the edifice, made every part of the scene visible. A gleam diffused itself over the intermediate space, and instantly a loud report, like the explosion of a mine, followed. She uttered an involuntary shriek, but the new sounds that greeted her ear quickly conquered her surprise. They were piercing shrieks, and uttered without intermission.

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christelhelen 12 Jahre, 6 Monate vor
Also just seen another error -- in the very first line; and in the second sentence. shame; because I like the quote. Please fix it ...
christelhelen 12 Jahre, 6 Monate vor
I like this quote, but it has a mistake in it, "eat" should be "ear" ... unless something really strange is going on!

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