Biking - Faith Osborn

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von faithvictoria
There are many dangers to riding a bike with no shoes. One of these dangers is that your toes could get stuck in the wheel and easily get cut off, which would not be the best feeling.

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kiriiya 3 Jahre vor
So relatable, this has happened to me at least, like, 25 times!
weesin 4 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
The writer of this 'quote' is clearly a nutjob. She left a comment on her own 'quote' congratulating herself for writting such a 'great quote'. Who leaves comments on their own quotes? And who addresses themselves by name?
salatulmaghrib 5 Jahre vor
when school gives me a writing assignment that I don't want to do, this is the type of writing I would submit.
helper 6 Jahre, 2 Monate vor
So true and I can't wait to type this thing!
faithvictoria 6 Jahre, 2 Monate vor
Great job Faith this is a great quote and I hope that it gets to be typed on by me and many other people!

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