Slow is smooth - Anony

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von indigopush
The Navy SEALS have a saying: "Slow is smooth, smooth is fast." This quote applies to typing as well, where accuracy can be a big determinant of the speed at which you type. Making mistakes and backtracking can be a big waste of time when the seconds matter and words are counted by the minute. Remember, "Slow is smooth, smooth is fast."

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
ltfigs 134.04 97.7%
user939249 129.72 96.9%
zhengfeilong 123.56 96.0%
thorgott2 122.31 96.3%
bruins4777 121.12 99.7%
user911779 117.90 98.5%
applesonlsd 117.69 97.7%
unwiredmind 115.75 98.5%
vmlm 113.52 96.8%
tecc 112.83 97.4%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
swolchuck 77.58 99.4%
kiwi66 20.86 87.2%
jssosa10 32.56 83.5%
kicko 82.26 92.6%
user930022 45.10 90.2%
user721294 78.87 87.3%
bhojo31 88.24 94.7%
space_cadet 106.50 96.0%