Chances - ddiamond

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von ddiamondtran
Everyone has at least one life to live. Not everyone gets a second chance. But when you get an chance to get a another chance make the best out of it don't waste it. Good is in everyone bad is also too in everyone but you can overcome the bad with good. If You do something wrong choose to do the right thing.

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sting_operation 12 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
This has terrible grammar; you should fix it.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
eventlogging 170.00 100%
nomi589 101.37 99.0%
kirath919 79.98 96.8%
merritt1369 76.43 98.7%
brakilia 76.11 96.4%
forgod2388 75.95 96.8%
user15496 74.11 98.7%
qqqchampion 72.72 97.7%
mjee77 59.21 97.7%
sting_operation 52.07 96.8%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
eventlogging 170.00 100%
forgod2388 34.34 97.7%
peteritism 50.61 96.4%
sting_operation 52.07 96.8%
smokinbetty 28.91 99.0%
user15548 38.01 98.1%
ryannsutera 40.58 94.5%
forgod2388 71.57 97.1%