The dogssss - MEcxd

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von slowtyperdoge
The dog was the dog was the dog was the dog that does not really make any sense so how about the cat was the cat was the cat making a dog noise with mice.

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user871724 155.79 97.5%
typistnovice 141.45 98.7%
taytaytrk 128.95 98.7%
gen15lien 128.81 99.4%
lotb777 127.19 99.4%
nerelod 124.29 96.9%
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nerelod 124.29 96.9%
heyyy 59.68 89.6%
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pcerda 62.67 94.5%
hellawildtyper 99.30 97.5%
shawnsmith91 111.16 95.1%
jamierh84 60.71 97.5%
user85658 79.99 98.1%