Equality - MRM from India

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von mramiknp
Today we are talking about woman equality and giving woman exact and same rights as men. Then why not anyone talks about dissolving all the men and women world records and making them as one saying that a record by any individual human beings. When it comes to benefit everyone wants it.

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mramiknp 7 Jahre vor
Mere having courage will not serve the purpose. Having physical strength as good as men is also required to serve properly in military. This is not the case with women. It is a very controversial topic as majority women will fail the physical tests as are basically required by military. So women are not good for combat atleast.
magellan 7 Jahre vor
Look at other nations who allow women in the military. Their restriction of duty continues to decrease here in the US because they consistently prove they can do the job. They prove they have the same courage under fire that men have.
mramiknp 7 Jahre vor
I m not confused. But these so called feminists are fooling us in the garb of demanding equal rights for them. They are not asking for the same sentence for women as is given to men for a particular crime. They want the military standards to be reduced so that they can join army without any problem. I don't know what are they going to do in real combat situation.
fatdogethefatdoge 7 Jahre vor

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