Gift - khloe

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user54526
Life, one of the most precious gifts. It is the one we all have. It's fair but it's not. We keep that. Don't let others steal it from you, as they may be demons hidden around you.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
2001or2 142.60 94.7%
peggyrwa 140.92 99.4%
noobplayer 126.42 99.4%
ezka 122.98 97.3%
volhosis 117.72 91.3%
kicko 111.81 96.2%
xyloswagg96 108.87 98.9%
hoyongryou 108.79 97.8%
tetriks1 107.15 95.2%
yagoliz 105.34 100%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
ladytzyion 43.77 92.3%
yoko 78.20 88.6%
user843630 73.19 94.7%
noobplayer 126.42 99.4%
adiambahta 19.10 91.8%
gibbie 77.99 97.8%
yagoliz 105.34 100%
mike7lap 36.76 99.4%