Hey Tracy - Quote

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"Hey Tracy, you can do whatever you want" said Tomas to me "but don't regret it." Then we played all the night 'World of Warcraft'. Ahh... What a beautiful day...

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thesebones 7 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
There needs to be a comma after "want" and after the dialogue tag. I'm not sure if the order of the dialogue tag is strictly incorrect, but it does look a little awkward. The order of the "we played" sentence is definitely wrong. I don't see why you would switch over to single quotation marks for a video game title. And ellipses are so overused these days; do you really need that second one?

It should read as follows:

"Hey Tracy, you can do whatever you want," Tomas said to me, "but don't regret it." Then we played "World of Warcraft" all night. Ahh... What a beautiful day.

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