Leanora Greene

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von leanora
Life isn't always fair. It isn't always pink cotton candy. So, when life isn't fair, eat the cotton candy. The only reason I go to the fair is for it, so you might as well take advantage!

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leanora 7 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
i made this up. i thought it was cute & clever (& true too)! tell me what you thought of it! btw I am new & need alot of practice & some advice on how to get better (plz)!

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user59120 94.45 96.4%
clairebearr 92.79 94.4%
charlottehci 82.20 96.4%
slaughtermelon 78.96 96.9%
smartboynaresh 76.90 94.4%
gotwood248 74.20 97.9%
maadj 67.37 92.1%
suziecue 67.07 99.5%
kobo 66.96 92.6%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
suziecue 67.07 99.5%
kobo 66.96 92.6%
gotwood248 74.20 97.9%
charlottehci 82.20 96.4%
user59120 94.45 96.4%
smartboynaresh 76.90 94.4%
kobo 64.53 91.7%
maadj 67.37 92.1%