The cheap mother - someone...

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von theleapfrog
Any spaghetti sauce you don't finish for dinner will be served for breakfast the next morning. Turn off the TV during a commercial. The house only allows one light to be turned on. If you are buying fruits in a supermarket, take only what you need. One whole banana might be too much. You may need to cut half the banana and put the other half back on the banana rack.

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dvorakdan 7 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
Is there some way to adjust my score upward for this one based on how much it went down because I was laughing?

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
staylor1014 117.73 98.4%
thatdude 111.54 97.6%
venus12gates 109.28 97.6%
kensmom825 108.37 98.9%
npabs 105.65 95.3%
dwunschel 104.94 98.7%
iltranscendent 102.99 97.4%
annefucius 101.67 98.4%
mb9061 101.31 97.1%
smartmunkey 101.07 98.1%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
charliegjune 70.91 97.4%
padenjessica280 50.02 92.5%
lardinrukinov 89.14 94.6%
iltranscendent 102.99 97.4%
madamtypealil 80.18 95.6%
smartboynaresh 72.95 89.3%
npabs 105.65 95.3%
kyle_w 92.30 95.3%