Chance The Napper - XxmONoxX

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von quavo
Chance The Napper once took a nap on his comfy bed that is on top of money. He fell asleep, but while he was asleep, he was suddenly attacked by a vicious dragon! The dragon sold all of his fake grammys he bought off of instagram and his OG NMDs. Chance woke with bruises and cuts and started crying.

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ivana. 6 Jahre, 10 Monate vor
Chance the napper haha XD.
ivana. 6 Jahre, 10 Monate vor
HAHAH.... This quote is so funny!

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zmaro 73.65 95.2%
munkyfoot83 63.30 91.2%
user716510 31.46 90.4%