Alone - Unkown

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von rodriguezlopezd
Have you ever stood there feeling oh so alone as people talked all around you? Have you ever felt that no matter how full the room was, you were alone?

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brotaku 6 Jahre, 6 Monate vor
This is obviously someone trying to be creative, or assert their "individuality"that everyone also possesses.
dvorakdan 7 Jahre, 2 Monate vor
Why do people insist on saying "Unknown" when it is so lamely obvious it is the submitter? Oh, yeah, that's a question mark, maybe it's the one missing from your first question.

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quinoa 163.85 100%
hemo7 160.30 100%
ksahn81xx7 158.24 100%
cspenguino 157.54 100%
u557051 154.31 98.1%
brainfreezy 154.04 98.7%
treemeister 152.24 100%
ksahn81xxx7 150.00 99.3%
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dante-didit 116.58 95.0%
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dharm007 31.82 89.9%
gothmog 61.44 98.1%
cholloway526 104.33 96.8%
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