your lucky - birdman

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von fazebirdup
If you are typing then you are not in poverty and or starving, so after you finish typing this quote find someone you love and tell them you love them. If you do that then if something happens you can look back on this moment and have it forever as a memory.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user871724 167.01 94.6%
strikeemblem 140.13 98.5%
frostmore52 135.12 96.3%
dcb87 131.71 98.5%
kyle_w 128.64 98.9%
ccampbell 120.98 97.4%
user98852 120.82 96.3%
trishadgk 120.56 94.2%
arcpvalle 118.57 98.5%
clairebearr 117.87 98.9%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
stmohammedsakib 44.68 93.1%
ryno4117 94.33 91.5%
user843630 98.89 94.5%
wengsky1020 29.02 93.1%
swolchuck 80.03 97.7%
donoshea 85.13 88.7%
user238034 84.63 97.0%
shang88 78.80 96.6%