Beauty - Max Helene

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von munini14
It is not what you see on the outside that determines a person. It is not on the outside that tells you how beautiful a person is. It is the inside that matters. The inside tells you a story. It can be a sad story or a happy one. But it is you who chooses to accept it and see the beauty inside, or you can reject it and say it is ugly. But that all depends on how you look at things. ~Max.

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munini14 7 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
I do not know why it does that... I have tried to fix it and it still doesn't do anything... Must be a glitch.... I'm sorry that it isn't working out very well...
user69091 7 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
For some reason whenever I start to type this as soon as I get the "I typed it turns red. Why?

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