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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
hangableautoblb 124.46 98.2%
vmlm 113.01 99.1%
asiansauce 102.14 100%
world177 99.59 97.7%
jeromy 96.05 96.4%
anuvrat 95.87 99.5%
lexisan 95.60 99.5%
klgrass84 94.96 96.4%
kansasjohn 94.60 94.2%
aparsh 94.28 99.1%

Kürzlich für

Name WPM Genauigkeit
smartboynaresh 79.61 94.2%
cwnichols81 44.88 94.7%
muazzul 64.98 95.5%
gotwood248 75.06 98.6%
lordbones 50.54 96.9%
user108700 65.95 95.5%
stevendiao 70.46 89.9%
jules831 70.30 97.3%