Cave Johnson - Portal 2

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von typelikeabitch
Just a heads up: we're gonna have a superconductor turned up full blast and pointed at you for the duration of this next test. I'll be honest - we're throwing science at the wall here to see what sticks. No idea what it'll do. Probably nothing. Best-case scenario, you might get some superpowers. Worst case, some tumors, which we'll cut out.

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dvorakdan 8 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
Wait, there was a superconductor pointed at me during that test? Dang, glad I typed kind of fast.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
majochama 137.58 98.3%
feuv 133.30 97.4%
drunkcrew 132.06 99.7%
treemeister 128.82 95.3%
wolfram 128.79 95%
alliekarakosta 126.34 99.1%
zhengfeilong 123.94 96.9%
strikeemblem 118.96 96.6%
li1cy 118.33 95.8%
bunniexo 117.78 92.9%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
immolation 75.58 96.1%
eyegotdibbs 44.71 98.3%
calcdc 50.96 96.9%
strikeemblem 118.96 96.6%
whurrber 83.95 93.4%
bellasmom 66.98 95%
sylvestris 57.38 97.4%
dristi001 12.11 91.9%