SUCCESS!!! - jhalen25

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von jhalen25
To Succeed in life you need to find, Someone who inspires You. Someone who Advise You. Some one who is dedicated on what he do. Someone who have a Heart and Soul on his work. Someone who cares not about self - prestige but the benefit of mankind. Find someone who always follow the words of our Lord God.

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chardxtine 8 Jahre, 6 Monate vor
Nice one master!

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
inw_typer 163.00 89%
inw_typer 163.00 99.1%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
inw_typer 163.00 99.1%
inw_typer 75.00 95.5%
inw_typer 152.00 93.1%
inw_typer 141.00 90.7%
inw_typer 163.00 89%
inw_typer 108.00 86%
inw_typer 141.00 89%
inw_typer 86.00 100%