I hate the world within my self - Craan, P.R

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von pie4u2
I am typing to try to waste time in my life so the day can go by faster, but this seems to not be working out for me, or for you, you who is trying so hard to build up your typing skills. The best way to make the day go by faster is to actually work to the best of your abilities and to never stop for a rest or a break. So, when you least expect it, the day will be gone and you will be asking, "How did the day go so fast?"

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
jiggalee 155.32 95.9%
inw_typer 152.00 98%
strikeemblem 126.90 98.4%
mbqg1234 115.99 95.5%
munchkinbug 114.31 98.2%
allanw5 104.02 93.8%
user108043 102.55 94.4%
esplin2966 101.07 95.7%
delphainekim 100.17 94.2%
_96k 95.72 99.3%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user109660 37.66 93.6%
godot 64.96 96.2%
deacon12 65.85 96.2%
delphisdaughter 74.33 98.4%
jiggalee 155.32 95.9%
relsc 59.28 89.1%
jacqueline1234 92.95 93.0%
reasonablereason 82.17 97.9%