A best friend - One Tree HIll - Peyton

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von kaylaym420
A best friend, okay, this one is important. Choose wisely, okay? I got really lucky with mine. My best friend is funny, intelligent, creative, beautiful and successful and very kind. And she's also impulsive, frustrating, complicated, childish. But I would not have her any other way. And the best part about Brooke Davis is that she always puts friends first. So, if you are ever in any kind of trouble, now you know who to call. I can't think of anyone else I would rather have watching over you.

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miafox 7 Jahre, 1 Monat vor
This is so true. Sorry, I don't know a Brooke Davis, so to speak, but best friends are amazing, and they may be childish, but they are awesome. ;)

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