typing test games

John Wesley

This typing test games wurde hinzugefügt von tpurch
Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.

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cyberx60 12 Jahre, 9 Monate vor
118.56 high score.
user8024 12 Jahre, 10 Monate vor
Thank you for something easy

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Score (WPM) Verteilung für dieses Zitat. Mehr.

Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test games

Name WPM Genauigkeit
eventlogging 170.00 100%
user67 149.59 99.4%
crtuttle 146.65 99.4%
user40438 145.11 100%
corey 144.23 100%
dennisdrew 143.46 100%
tokugawapants 142.36 99.4%
geoffhuang 142.35 92.3%
dvorakpt 142.20 100%
dvorakptreg 141.85 99.4%

Kürzlich für typing test games

Name WPM Genauigkeit
user95385 0.68 95.7%
baboom 68.01 95.2%
hummer350 90.42 99.4%
user313957 85.19 99.4%
user93463 85.67 92.8%
user93715 86.34 97.8%
jillina 112.73 97.8%
user583102 68.33 92.8%