What Do I Do????
Von braylee41202 - aktualisiert: 8 Jahre, 12 Monate vor - 10 messages
I NEED to improve my type help me please
the things i am having problems with is that i always look down at my keys... WHAT DO I DO!!!
By toddhicks209 - posted: 9 Jahre vor
What exactly are you having trouble with?
By textengine - posted: 9 Jahre vor
Keep practicing. Practice makes perfect.
By typingaverage - posted: 9 Jahre vor
Here are some tips and maybe why your typing speed isn't as well as others: #1: Fast typists type with quick strokes on the keyboard - #2: Make sure your fingers are on the two small bumps; f and j. Also, make sure your fingers are also all on the homekeys, (I don't know what it's called so that's why I spelled it wrong), (your left pinkie must go on the a and your right pinkie must go on the semi-colon), and your thumbs are on the spacebar, and make sure your fingers are in a curled position. #3: NEVER look at your keyboard, and also make sure that your keyboard is a QWERTY. #4. Keep your arms straight. This is the top 1 Safety, because if you don't the quickest typists are going to get this kind of surgery, and it really hurts. That costs thousands of dollars. So, is this the reason why? Well then here you go.
Your Friend.
By toddhicks209 - posted: 9 Jahre vor
If you want to start with your fingers touching the groove marks on the F and J keys, that's fine, but if you try to come back to them, that can mess you up and reduce your speed during an exercise or test - it helps me to just put my fingers above the designated home row keys after leaving this position to type letters such as a T or B.
By braylee41202 - posted: 8 Jahre, 12 Monate vor
the things i am having problems with is that i always look down at my keys... WHAT DO I DO!!!
By kaikaikaikaikai - posted: 8 Jahre, 12 Monate vor
Darken your room and set your screen lighting as low as possible. If your key has in-built lighting, turn it off. Feel for the keys with bumps (F on the left and J on the right) and go from there.
By toddhicks209 - posted: 8 Jahre, 12 Monate vor
You will stop always looking at the keyboard once you memorize the keyboard and gain confidence.
By lubokkanev - posted: 8 Jahre, 12 Monate vor
There are million sites teaching you to touch type, a.k.a not looking at the keyboard and using the correct fingers for the keys. Just choose one and follow it trough. Expect that the first two weeks you won't be able to get 20 wpm, cuz you're not looking down. That's normal, that's how all fast typists started. After you get through this period, if you keep practicing, you will start seeing huge gains.
By braylee41202 - posted: 8 Jahre, 12 Monate vor
If i stop look at the keys my wpm goes down then i look at the keys
By toddhicks209 - posted: 8 Jahre, 12 Monate vor
I only look at the keyboard if I have gotten my right hand out of place during a test due to making a blunder, thus making it too hard to find one of the punctuation keys.