How can i improve my typing speed?
Von mr_rock12 - aktualisiert: 5 Jahre, 4 Monate vor - 10 messages
I've been typing day and night since 2 months but there is a very little difference i viewed in my progress. At that time my typing speed was 40 and now it's 52/53 just. It very little as compared to my practice. Please give me some suggestions. What should I do? If the suggestion is to just practice then i did it. I need some other suggestion which can help me in increasing my typing speed.
Practice *is* the only way to get better. Your own improvement is proof of that. There's no magical means of getting better. Practice and you will remember better where to place your fingers and where each letter is under which fingertip.
By fefcas - posted: 5 Jahre, 6 Monate vor
Does you achieve 100% accuracy? If not, practice the instant death test, here in Keyhero, where you are supposed to reach 100%, always. It's funny!
By ignitor135 - posted: 5 Jahre, 6 Monate vor
Sometimes you should take a break from typing for a day or two, to not overwork yourself and I have found that that has helped me improve overall.
By kerrib - posted: 5 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
Practice *is* the only way to get better. Your own improvement is proof of that. There's no magical means of getting better. Practice and you will remember better where to place your fingers and where each letter is under which fingertip.
By gr33ntea - posted: 5 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
@Weesin, That person is just trolling - don't give him the exact emotional response he's wanting.
By weesin - posted: 5 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
You're absolutely right. It's just super hard to bite my tongue when I come across such rudeness - especially when it involves my late mother
By biogatorix - posted: 5 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
Correct finger position fundamentals -> then accuracy -> then speed.
Most of the time punctuations and numbers slows down most people.
Take your baby steps. It took me half a year to get from 70 wpm to 110 on every single mechanical switch.
The word practice is one irritating world when it comes to advice. When playing a guitar, you learn the basics, then you learn accuracy, then lastly, speed. Don't just "practice" like a blind fool.