Von typing_hero - aktualisiert: 6 Jahre, 8 Monate vor - 3 messages
Why there are so many users with these usernames?
By translucent - posted: 6 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
All of those accounts are owned by one person. He likes to take up spots on the leaderboard.
By gelbut_ravisher - posted: 6 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
Have you ever heard of "vowel compressibility" a.k.a. disemvoweling? It's possible to drop all vowels while still being able to figure out original decompressed word. Ex: irrelevance -> irrlvnce ... you'd still have to type first and last character. Certain suffixes and prefixes can be stored in piano memory. Ex: length("IRRLVNCE") = 8 < 10 fingers => 2 chords [1 typing maneuver] over 2 octaves
By gelbut_ravisher - posted: 6 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
I'm using a piano keyboard. If you chord, you'll be able to increase WPM by typing whole words in one motion.
By the way, there's a bug in average WPM calculation function. My average WPM is nowhere near 199.99!