
Von quizliu - aktualisiert: 5 Jahre, 12 Monate vor - 3 messages

how can i improve my accuracy with only 90% now :(((((((
Instead of trying to type faster and not make mistakes, type a little bit slower and try getting everything typed out well
It'll usually bring the accuracy by 100%
By chaoticwolf - posted: 5 Jahre, 12 Monate vor

Instead of trying to type faster and not make mistakes, type a little bit slower and try getting everything typed out well
It'll usually bring the accuracy by 100%
By mrignacio - posted: 5 Jahre, 12 Monate vor

I've mostly followed this advice to achieve 95wpm from 78wpm in roughly one month (10 minutes average)…

I've summarized key points of the video above and I've marked those exercises that helped my accuracy

0. Focus (on accuracy)
*1. Slow down in difficult words
2. Focus on the next word you're typing
*3. Copy text blindly from a book or kindle
4. 10 minute typing test - think of this as a marathon test
5. 1 minute typing test - think "type as fast as you can for not less than 95% accuracy"

For number 3, I've recently replaced it with just quotes and start over when I make 2 mistakes (instead of using KeyHero's Instant Death)
Updated 5 Jahre, 12 Monate vor
By user830637 - posted: 5 Jahre, 12 Monate vor

Thanks for the tips quizliu