
We're living in the matrix!! Take the blue pill!!!!!!

I mean, isn't this one way you can connect with other people though? The fact …

Ralph Waldo Emerson
I think that's the case with a lot of organisms in nature. Sea turtles, for …

MAGA 2024!!!!!!

Love the quote in principle, but unfrotunately it is falsely attributed to Socrates. The first …


yoloswaggins's คำคม

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yolo swaggins - your mom
Me and your mom like to hang out and yolo all over each others swag. It kinda goes like bam and wow and bowow and yolo. I am still typing because i need more characters to complete and get this published.

yolo swaggins - why
Why do people make quotes with so much punctuation there should be none of it so people can type faster and there should be no capital letters thats my cool quote and i hope you enjoy.