

John Berger
check grammar spaces and spelling please

hindi me kaise type kare nahi ho raha hai

William H. Rehnquist
How hasn't this bullshit been removed yet?

Thank you! I got my new highest speed on this one!


creis's คำคม

ทั้งหมด คำคม

Blaise Pascal - Man is a Thinking Reed
Man is only a reed, the weakest in nature, but he is a thinking reed. There is no need for the whole universe to take up arms to crush him: a vapour, a drop of water is enough to kill him. But even if the universe were to crush him, man would still be nobler than his slayer, because he knows that he is dying and the advantage the universe has over him. The universe knows none of this.

Blaise Pascal - El hombre es una caña pensante
El hombre es una caña, la mas débil de la naturaleza; pero es una "caña pensante. No es menester que el universo entero se arme para aplastarla: un vapor, una gota de agua es suficiente para matarlo. Pero aún cuando el universo lo aplaste, el hombre seria todavía mas notable que el que mata, porque sabe que muere y conoce la ventaja que el universo tiene sobre el; el universo no sabe nada.