Marriage House - SamRio

This quote ถูกเพิ่มโดย simplysam_03
My house is like my marriage. The foundation is destroyed. Everything is being patched together, the cracks in the wall are just filled in where they keep cracking with every season, the house floods when it rains, the doors are always having issues closing... my marriage is like my house. It is decorated so nicely and everyone loves my house, my kids like the house; but the foundation is destroyed and everything is patched together.


4.3 out of 5 based on 3 ratings.



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Score (WPM) การกระจายสำหรับคำคมนี้. เพิ่มเติม.

คะแนนที่ดีที่สุดสำหรับ typing test

ชื่อ WPM ความแม่นยำ
user871724 161.79 97.5%
2001or2 137.91 93.8%
memory_allocation 105.07 96.5%
user93811 101.47 97.8%
_96k 98.23 98.4%
hydan 92.94 98.0%
tannlege 83.28 95.8%
tsquared76 80.45 95%
rabbitfodder 79.20 97.6%
drtyrant 78.36 95.6%

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ชื่อ WPM ความแม่นยำ
kris10 64.95 97.3%
rabbitfodder 79.20 97.6%
user93811 101.47 97.8%
drtyrant 78.36 95.6%
2001or2 137.91 93.8%
moreed 49.60 94.2%
user107182 46.76 93.6%
user468593 72.58 95.2%