Spell City - Excerpt - Revan

This quote ถูกเพิ่มโดย revanrose6
The air thrummed with the sound of splintering wood, echoing through the cavernous, dilapidated theater as Scarlett's dagger sliced through the air, severing the puppet's string with a swift, decisive stroke. Its wooden limbs clattered to the stage, torn asunder. With a triumphant grin, Scarlett emerged from the shadows, her silhouette framed by the moonlight filtering through the broken roof of the run-down, abandoned theater.


4.3 out of 5 based on 3 ratings.



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2001or2 126.85 94.7%
rivendellis 114.86 98.0%
mafuso 106.60 97.3%
strikeemblem 106.06 95.6%
localbisexual 105.97 93.5%
geryjs 104.52 97.3%
lynchrobinson 99.29 96.2%
rayang 97.40 95.6%
freu 94.14 95.1%
youjin29 89.64 94.1%

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user763921 37.45 92.7%
faizullah 43.74 97.5%
2001or2 126.85 94.7%
madip2214 80.76 97.3%
localbisexual 105.97 93.5%
tokaisuki 64.46 93.9%
colincastle1234 89.53 94.9%
tengugod 46.60 83.9%