Man's Search for Meaning - Viktor E. Frankl

This quote ถูกเพิ่มโดย user459018
Forces beyond your control can take away everything you possess except one thing, your freedom to choose how you will respond to the situation. You cannot control what happens to you in life, but you can always control what you will feel and do about what happens to you.


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wendy 2 ปี, 4 เดือน ที่แล้ว
great quote!!!

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user871724 184.52 96.8%
2001or2 159.54 98.2%
user491757 154.42 98.2%
berryberryberry 151.28 94.9%
fattied 142.19 97.8%
feuv 128.98 98.9%
jaothejao 128.10 98.5%
bumii 128.05 99.6%
daviddamedane 127.18 100%
kyle_w 125.83 100%

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ชื่อ WPM ความแม่นยำ
tamoney 96.22 97.8%
dreeeiicari 100.02 95.4%
user107948 86.08 91.3%
maadj 74.60 93.4%
2001or2 159.54 98.2%
zeravla708 85.92 98.2%
harshashettigar 48.71 95.4%
morkel 64.51 97.8%