Perfect - Ogelbeh

This quote ถูกเพิ่มโดย ogelbeh
You don't need to be perfect to be loveable. I want you to remember that, because in the end, perfect is just an idea. And you are so much more than that.


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bvw 3 ปี, 9 เดือน ที่แล้ว
True, and those who become concerned with "perfection", including my grandsons and 2 years old, even, must both strive to be more better, but avoid the traps -- many they are -- of over-expectation of perfection. The old saying "the best is the enemy of the good", or "the best is the enemy of the better" ... the two have the same intent towards enlightenment, are helpful to teach or keep in mind. Patience is the busom buddy of alacrity, and also of seeking to be better. Patience is also forebearance, and not being harsh on oneself and others, when harsh is not palatable, or necessary at the time.

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ชื่อ WPM ความแม่นยำ
h7all 164.46 100%
penguino_beano 159.27 100%
zhang 159.21 100%
zhengfeilong 159.13 100%
cspenguino 157.52 100%
hemo7 156.65 100%
user267992 156.25 96.3%
user939249 151.14 95.1%
applesonlsd 148.47 98.1%
forkhunter 148.26 100%

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ชื่อ WPM ความแม่นยำ
viren9508 57.23 97.5%
pjmj 77.96 96.9%
thecrazydane2 80.80 93.3%
kappch4 62.83 94.5%
marchtoglory 133.82 95.7%
deep.nkr 33.26 95.7%
user843630 68.60 92.8%
darling.19 61.66 91.2%