Gru-unicorn story - Gruuu

This quote ถูกเพิ่มโดย tuci
One big unicorn, strong and free, thought he was happy as he could be. Then three little kittens came around and turned his whole life upside down. They made him laugh, they made him cry. He never should have said goodbye. And now he knows he can never part from those three little kittens that changed his heart.


3.0 out of 5 based on 40 ratings.



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user498322 7 ปี, 7 เดือน ที่แล้ว
I love that quote it is so sweet<3:p
brakilia 11 ปี, 11 เดือน ที่แล้ว
Great movie!

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Score (WPM) การกระจายสำหรับคำคมนี้. เพิ่มเติม.

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ชื่อ WPM ความแม่นยำ
eventlogging 170.00 100%
user37933 148.85 99.4%
avir 136.95 98.4%
monolake 132.66 98.4%
avonbarksdale 126.90 98.7%
derevon 126.22 99.0%
mackeroo 126.21 99.4%
thom 124.13 98.4%
dreamsonfire 119.58 99.0%
jeonahpooh 118.91 99.4%

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ชื่อ WPM ความแม่นยำ
ipswytch 58.54 94.6%
darling.19 63.63 93.5%
tdeep 75.28 96.9%
zaraki 41.90 99.1%
tengugod 46.38 79.9%
omgwill 43.44 91.5%
user99861 51.94 95.7%
user604787 86.22 96.6%