Expanded Natural Text Version:
Education Redefined: The Joy of a Bagless Day
Education isn’t just about textbooks and exams; it’s about joy, creativity, and discovery. Imagine a Bagless Day in school—a day without books or bags, where students are free to express themselves, experiment, and learn in innovative ways. They can mold clay into shapes of their imagination, build toys, paint vibrant pictures, write poetry, and enact plays. This day would turn the classroom into a canvas and the playground into a laboratory for exploration.
On a Bagless Day, learning happens everywhere:
In the garden, students learn about nature, planting saplings, identifying insects, and understanding the ecosystem.
On the playground, they play team games, learning collaboration, strategy, and resilience.
In creative corners, they discover art, music, and craft, unleashing their creative potential.
In science corners, they perform hands-on experiments with simple tools to discover the wonders of physics, chemistry, and biology.
On field trips, they explore local history, culture, or industries, connecting their learning to the real world.
Through activities like storytelling, role-playing, and group discussions, students not only learn but also discover their hidden talents.
Skills Learned on a Bagless Day:
Creativity: Through art, craft, and storytelling.
Collaboration: By working in teams on projects and games.
Critical Thinking: Through problem-solving activities and experiments.
Communication: By sharing ideas and presenting them.
Empathy and Social Skills: By engaging with peers and nature.
Adaptability: By navigating new experiences outside the classroom.
Bagless Week and Bagless Day Suggestions:
1. Bagless Week: Twice a year, schools can dedicate an entire week to hands-on learning and exploration. Each day can focus on a specific theme like art, science, nature, community service, and innovation.
2. Bagless Day: Once a month, schools can host a Bagless Day to keep the spirit of joy and creativity alive. Regularity ensures students continue to develop essential skills in fun and diverse ways.
Refined Poem Version:
The Joy of a Bagless Day Education, a spark of light, Shining through a Bagless Day bright. No books, no bags, just endless fun, Learning happens for everyone.
In gardens green, we plant and play, Discovering nature in our own way. In playgrounds wide, with games we share, We build teamwork with love and care.
Clay in hands, we shape and mold, Dreams in colors, bright and bold. Experiments spark our curious mind, In simple things, wonders we find.
Stories we tell, songs we sing, Creative ideas take to wing. Learning flows outside the walls, As curiosity and courage call.
The Magic of a Bagless Week Imagine a week, twice a year, With laughter, joy, and no fear. Each day a theme, a world to explore, A chance to learn and grow even more.
Art one day, science the next, Field trips leaving us truly perplexed. Building toys, inventing games, Lighting creativity’s endless flames.
Bagless days, a monthly delight, Letting young minds take their flight. Hands-on learning, skills so vast, Creating memories that will last.
Education, beyond books and rules, A beacon of light in our schools. Bagless days, a dream so true, Unlocking potential in me and you.
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our sturdy golden bear is watching from the sky looks down upon our colors fair and guards us from his lair our banner gold and blue the symbol on it too whats it mean it means fight for california for california through and through
You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.
Philippians 2:5
Lawson is so cool and funny. Hannah is..... nevermind. Notre Dame stinks. I hope you are having fun. I am excited for belves after this! Hopefully there is not a cover. 123 &#(@*$. This is where player one stops. Player two take over now. 1234567980987654321. abcedghijklmnopqrstuvwxyandz. I'm glad you know your abc's. This is where player 2 stopsssssss. The end.
Lawson is so cool and funny. Hannah is..... nevermind. Notre Dame stinks. 123 &#(@*$. This is where player one stops. Player two take over now. 1234567980987654321. abcedghijklmnopqrstuvwxyandz.
This speech was delivered in 1873, after Anthony was arrested, tried and fined $100 for voting in the 1872 presidential election.
Friends and Fellow Citizens: I stand before you tonight under indictment for the alleged crime of having voted at the last presidential election, without having a lawful right to vote. It shall be my work this evening to prove to you that in thus voting, I not only committed no crime, but, instead, simply exercised my citizen’s rights, guaranteed to me and all United States citizens by the National Constitution, beyond the power of any State to deny.
The preamble of the Federal Constitution says:
“We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union. And we formed it, not to give the blessings of liberty, but to secure them; not to the half of ourselves and the half of our posterity, but to the whole people–women as well as men. And it is a downright mockery to talk to women of their enjoyment of the blessings of liberty while they are denied the use of the only means of securing them provided by this democratic-republican government–the ballot.
For any State to make sex a qualification that must ever result in the disfranchisement of one entire half of the people is to pass a bill of attainder, or an ex post facto law, and is therefore a violation of the supreme law of the land. By it the blessings of liberty are for ever withheld from women and their female posterity. To them this government has no just powers derived from the consent of the governed. To them this government is not a democracy. It is not a republic. It is an odious aristocracy; a hateful oligarchy of sex; the most hateful aristocracy ever established on the face of the globe; an oligarchy of wealth, where the right govern the poor. An oligarchy of learning, where the educated govern the ignorant, or even an oligarchy of race, where the Saxon rules the African, might be endured; but this oligarchy of sex, which makes father, brothers, husband, sons, the oligarchs over the mother and sisters, the wife and daughters of every household–which ordains all men sovereigns, all women subjects, carries dissension, discord and rebellion into every home of the nation.
Webster, Worcester and Bouvier all define a citizen to be a person in the United States, entitled to vote and hold office.
The only question left to be settled now is: Are women persons? And I hardly believe any of our opponents will have the hardihood to say they are not. Being persons, then, women are citizens; and no State has a right to make any law, or to enforce any old law, that shall abridge their privileges or immunities. Hence, every discrimination against women in the constitutions and laws of the several States is today null and void, precisely as in every one against Negroes.
Lors de mon bénévolat à l’hôpital, un patient avait besoin d’aide car il ne parvenait pas à trouver de la salle où il avait un rendez-vous de radiologie. Ce patient semblait visiblement frustré car il a marché dans l’hôpital pendant plus de 30 minutes. Je lui ai demandé le numéro de la salle, cette dernière se trouvait cependant dans un étage qui n’existait pas. Je lui ai donc expliqué cela, mais il s’est énervé encore plus et continuait de me demander les directions. J’ai gardé mon calme, je lui ai expliqué que je comprends sa frustration et que dans ce cas, la meilleure solution était d’aller voir la réception en radiologie pour voir s’il n’y avait pas une sorte d’erreur dans le numéro d’étage. Le patient s’était en fait trompé et n’était pas au bon hôpital, le secrétaire lui a ainsi redirigée. (Compétences : Communication, empathie, résolution de conflit, calme)
Dans mon temps libre, je viens beaucoup en aide pour un ami qui possède des difficultés dans ses cours de français et de philosophie au cégep. Il n’a pas toujours tendance à vouloir apprendre la matière en français, j’essaye donc de le motiver en lui rappelant qu’il ne reste pas très long avant l’obtention de son diplôme. Les cours de philosophie, ayant des textes avec des structures de phrases assez complexes, j’essaye de lui vulgariser les messages clés qui sont véhiculés tout en gardant les détails essentiels. Je cherche aussi à comprendre quelle partie spécifique il ne comprend pas, dans le but de fournir des conseils qui lui permettent plus tard de comprendre sans nécessiter de l’aide. (Motivation, vulgarisation, écoute, recherche d’autonomie pour le contexte d’aide)
Durant mon examen de mathématiques, une élève me demandait à plusieurs reprises de tricher avec elle afin que je lui fournisse les réponses. Je priorise toujours l’effort personnel dans le cadre académique. Je n’ai donc pas lâché prise sur cette conviction et j’ai refusé de tricher avec l’élève. À la fin de l’examen, elle s’est excusée, et m’a expliqué qu’elle était trop stressée et cherchait tout moyen possible pour réussir l’examen. À la suite de cette situation, je suis venu en aide à cette élève pour son prochain examen, qui était un succès.
Ne le referait plus.
Bien que j’aie travaillé pendant des jours et que je me sentais très confiant dans ma performance, j’ai reçu une note très basse dans un de mes cours de chimie. Je n’avais que de la colère et plusieurs questions, je ne comprenais pas pourquoi mes efforts n’ont pas payés. Je commençais à croire que les efforts ne donnaient plus de résultats. Quand j’ai reçu ma copie, mon professeur m’a expliqué que mes réponses n’étaient en fait pas assez développées et que je n’étais en fait pas entré assez en détail. J’ai continué à avancer dans ce cours, en prenant en considération les conseils de mon professeur dans mes études. Au futur, je penserai à toujours prendre en considération les conseils des personnes autour de moi, lors d’un projet ou d’une évaluation, afin de voir les aspects que je n’ai pas pris en considération.
Je prends le rôle de leader durant des tournois de volleyball avec mes amis. Je propose des stratégies d’attaque claires pour chaque manche de la partie. Durant la partie, j’essaye toujours de communiquer clairement pour que notre coordination fonctionne. Après la partie, je reste positif si c’est une défaite et je suis prêt à entendre des améliorations ou même des nouveaux plans sur les stratégies et à donner une rétroaction ainsi qu’un partage d’avis avec le reste de l’équipe. Je suis très investi dans ces tournois, ce qui motive mes amis.
Durant mes années de secondaire, j’ai remporté une compétition parascolaire qui consistait à écrire le meilleur texte en français dans le but de courir la chance d’assister à une conférence donnée par Barack Obama. C’est une réussite qui me tient à cœur car celle-ci m’a vraiment aidé à développer mon sens de l’organisation, en maintenant mes résultats scolaires, et me mettre au défi en essayant de produire le meilleur texte pour la compétition. C’est aussi à travers de cette réussite que j’ai constaté les bénéfices de prendre en considération les avis et conseils d’autrui, tel que mon frère qui me proposait plusieurs suggestions.
Lorsque j’étais dans un groupe pour un projet d’oral en français, un de mes coéquipiers ne se présentait souvent pas aux séances de travail, et il faisait très peu de progrès sur la partie qu’il devait écrire. Un de mes autres coéquipiers a commencé à s’énerver étant donné que sa tâche dépendait de la partie du coéquipier absent, et il ne pouvait donc pas travailler de manière efficace. J’ai donc calmé mon coéquipier et je lui ai expliqué que je comprends sa frustration mais qu’il se pourrait que notre coéquipier vît une situation difficile et qu’il faut d’abord établir une discussion. Après que nous avons discuté en groupe, notre partenaire nous a expliqué qu’il avait un membre de sa famille très malade et qu’il s’inquiétait beaucoup pour cette personne. Nous avons donc décidé de lui attribuer des tâches plus simples, et d’effectuer des séances de travail en vidéoconférence, afin qu’il puisse prendre plus de temps pour s’occuper de son proche.
L’an dernier, j’ai décidé de faire un stage d’observation en physiothérapie. Je voulais en apprendre plus sur le métier avant d’effectuer une demande d’admission. Ce fut un défi difficile pour moi, car durant cette période, j’éprouvais des difficultés à parler à des nouvelles personnes. Tout de même, j’ai décidé de surmonter ma timidité et j’ai profité au maximum durant ce stage, demandant plusieurs questions à la physiothérapeute et explorant plusieurs secteurs, tel que la neurologie et l’hémato-oncologie. Il était primordial pour moi de débuter l’exploration de ce métier, de prendre l’initiative seul, malgré mes obstacles personnels.
Lorsque j’étais en équipe pour mon projet d’intégration en mathématique, un de mes coéquipiers n’avait toujours pas accomplie sa partie du travail. Ce travail devait être remis dans 2 jours. J’étais de mauvaise humeur car la révision du travail avait été assigné à moi, il était très tard dans la journée, et je ne pouvais toujours pas finir car je devais attendre que mon coéquipier finisse sa partie afin de vérifier si la cohésion du texte était présente. Nous nous sommes présentés ensemble le lendemain. J’ai pris le temps de calmer ma frustration avant d’établir une conversation avec lui. Je lui ai demandé, de manière non provocative, pourquoi n’avait-il pas terminé sa partie. Il m’a ensuite expliqué qu’il devait manquer plusieurs cours pour des raisons familiales et que sa charge de travail était donc devenue très important. C’est à ce moment que j’ai compris sa situation et que n’importe qui rencontrerait des difficultés scolaires face à un problème tel qu’il me l’a expliqué. Je lui ai donc proposé une division de son travail, en lui attribuant les parties les plus faciles. De cette manière, il serait plus rapide de finir le travail, tout en facilitant le retour à l’école pour mon coéquipier.
Durant ma session d’université, j’ai commencé à faire du bénévolat à l’hôpital, ainsi que des cours de conduite. Je devais donc créer un plan qui permettrait de m’organiser et de créer un équilibre dans la charge de travail de mes trois engagements. Étant donné mes deux nouvelles priorités, je craignais que je ressente de la difficulté à maintenir mes exigences académiques à l’université. J’ai donc entrepris des stratégies. D’abord, j’ai délimité mes horaires de bénévolat et j’ai donné mes heures de préférences à l’école de conduite. De cette manière, je pouvais m’assurer que chaque engagement recevait mon attention de manière équitable et stable. J’ai ensuite catégorisé mes travaux et examens par échéance et importance, travaillant d’abord sur ceux étant les plus près et les plus pertinents, avant d’entreprendre d’autres tâches. Ma deuxième catégorisation s’agissait de classer les travaux et examens en fonction du temps et de l’effort que je dois consacrer sur chacun. Je commence souvent par le plus difficile, car il devient ensuite plus efficace pour moi de progresser à travers les autres travaux.
Je devais beaucoup m’adapter lorsque j’ai pris le rôle de bénévolat durant l’automne. En fait, j’avais des difficultés à m’exprimer aux étrangers, et mon engagement me mettait au défi, car je devais parler constamment à des patients pour les guider ou les accompagner. Ainsi, j’ai dû développer mes méthodes de communication sociale. J’ai aussi beaucoup appris des autres bénévoles, qui me prodiguait souvent des conseils, par rapport à certaines situations spécifiques, comme une personne qui ne parle pas la même langue, ou un patient qui s’est perdu et ne retrouve pas sa chambre. J’ai appris aussi l’utilité des expressions faciales et des mouvements de mains, qui aidaient beaucoup lorsque mes instructions verbales manquaient de clarté pour le patient. Cette adaptation m’a donc aidé à développer une confiance en moi, ainsi que mes compétences en communication.
Alayne has been trying to coax a petulant Lord Robert to get dressed for the long descent to the Gates of the Moon. With winter fast approaching, the high seat of the Arryns will soon become inhospitable, and the entire staff is retreating for the valley floor.
Her "father" is away at the wedding of Lord Lyonel Corbray, who supports the Lord Protector along with several other Vale lords, including, just recently, Lord Benedar Belmore. Maester Colemon is concerned that Robert is being given Sweetsleep too often, as it is poisonous over time.
However, he sees no other way to get the boy down the mountain without a seizure. After riding the basket down to Sky, Alayne and the rest of the household begin their descent on mules led by Mya Stone. Accompanying them is Lady Myranda Royce, Lord Nestor's daughter.
Randa is a natural gossip, and tells Alayne that Lady Waynwood and Ser Symond Templeton both showed at Lord Corbray's wedding, and that Riverrun has yielded, but not Dragonstone or Storm's End. Alayne is careful with her words around the very clever Randa, although she stumbles when the woman mentions that Lord Eddard's bastard now commands the Night's Watch.
She thinks to herself it would be sweet to see her half-brother once more. Randa discloses that Harry the Heir was recently knighted at a tourney, but Myranda doesn't like him because Lady Waynwood denied Lord Nestor's attempt to marry Randa to Harry. She also lets on that he has a bastard daughter despite his young age.
Their banter turns to Mya and how her beloved Ser Mychel Redfort recently married one of Lord Yohn's daughters. Alayne reveals that Ser Lothor Brune likes Mya, but doesn't believe that the bastard daughter of Robert Baratheon is aware.
After a rough stretch crossing a gorge, where Alayne has to carry a shaking Robert across, the party reaches the Gates of the Moon. She discovers that her "father" has returned from the east, and she goes to see him immediately. Lord Petyr is entertaining three hedge knights he recently hired for his household, one of whom is none other than Ser Shadrich of the Shady Glen.
Dismissing them, Petyr imparts word of Cersei's spiraling downfall, saying, "It is quite vexing. I had hoped to have four or five quiet years to plant some seeds and allow some fruits to ripen, but... it is a good thing that I thrive on chaos. What little peace and order the five kings left us will not long survive the three queens, I fear." But he will not explain what he meant by "three" queens.
Petyr then announces that he has a present for her- a marriage contract to Harry the Heir. He tells her that she must first win his approval before they are even betrothed, hopefully giving them enough time for Tyrion to perish, allowing her to marry again.
Lady Waynwood agreed to the proposal because despite Alayne's "low" birth, she is nonetheless the daughter of the Lord Protector; not to mention that House Waynwood is heavily in debt (much of it now owed to Littlefinger).
When Alayne asks how the young knight could be Lady Anya's heir when she has three sons, as well as daughters and grandsons, he tells her that Harry is actually Lord Robert's heir. He explains that Lord Jon Arryn's sister married a Waynwood, and her only son perished at age three.
But their youngest daughter married a knight of House Hardyng, who are landed knights sworn to Ironoaks, and begot a son, now Ser Harrold Hardyng. Besides Lord Robert, he is the only living male heir to the Arryns, since he is Lord Jon's great-nephew.
When Alayne learns this truth, she utters, "If Robert were to die..." To which Lord Petyr replies, "When Robert dies, Harry the Heir becomes Lord Harrold, Defender of the Vale and Lord of the Eyrie. Jon Arryn's bannermen will never love me, nor our silly, shaking Robert, but they will love their Young Falcon... and when they come together for his wedding, and you come out... clad in a maiden's cloak of white and grey with a direwolf emblazoned on the back... why, every knight in the Vale will pledge his sword to win you back your birthright. So those are your gifts from me, my sweet Sansa... Harry, the Eyrie, and Winterfell."
Arianne is imprisoned atop the Spear Tower, contemplating her failed scheme. She never expected someone to inform her father of the plan, nor for Hotah to intercept them, and certainly not Gerold Dayne's unprovoked attack on Myrcella.
Dayne escaped from Hotah's men, but he left a terrible scar on Myrcella's face, barely missing a beheading stroke as was his apparent intent. Thinking her father would see her within a day, Arianne becomes distraught as days turn into weeks, and although servants come and go with food, none will speak to her.
She considers who could have betrayed her, ponders her feelings at the loss of Ser Arys, and thinks of her close relationship with Tyene. She eventually persuades the young serving girl Cedra to deliver a letter to Lord Fowler, knowing that the girl has feelings for Garin (who, Arianne assumes, is imprisoned at Ghaston Grey along with her other co-conspirators). But the next day, Cedra does not return, and Arianne never sees her again during her imprisonment.
After an indeterminate period of agonized waiting, Areo Hotah arrives to bring her before her father. Prince Doran asks her why, to which Arianne replies, "For the honor of our House." The Prince tells her they have not caught Dayne, but the damage he did to Myrcella, a ward of their house, has done naught but bring the Martells dishonor.
He cautions her that a war with the Iron Throne is the last thing they need. Although the Young Dragon wrote that Dorne was populous, his memoirs were written to portray himself in a better light.
Prince Doran admits that Dorne is actually the least populous of the Seven Kingdoms, and could not survive open war with the Throne. He admits it was a mistake not to have had her taken prior to running off with Myrcella, but he will not reveal who betrayed her. When he tells her that she disappoints him, Arianne retorts, "You have been disappointing me for years, Father."
Prince Doran discloses that none of her co-conspirators are imprisoned. Instead, he has sent Ser Andrey Dalt to Norvos to serve Arianne's mother; Garin is in Tyrosh for two years; and Sylva was sent to Greenstone to marry Lord Eldon Estermont.
He goes on to remark that Arianne and her cousins may get the war they wanted, as Ser Balon Swann is on his way to Sunspear. The Prince has several of his bannermen stalling him, but eventually Ser Balon will discover that his brother in the Kingsguard, Ser Arys, is dead and Myrcella maimed. Arianne continues to taunt her father, and he cautions her that he is out of patience.
But the princess is unimpressed, remarking, "For Lord Tywin you always had the forbearance of Baelor the Blessed, but for your own blood, none." He responds, "You mistake patience for forbearance. I have worked at the downfall of Tywin Lannister since the day they told me of Elia and her children."
When Arianne tells him that she wants her rights to Dorne, Prince Doran finally reveals that she will have the kingdom when he passes. Arianne divulges that she knew of his scheme to make Quentyn his heir, but her father tells her that he had other plans for her.
He offered her hand to old men because he knew she would rebuke them, but he had to be seen as trying. All along, he had promised her to Prince Viserys, but now that the last male Targaryen is dead, he has no reason to deny her her right to Dorne.
He finishes by saying, "We princes make our careful plans and the gods smash them all awry." His original plan was to send her to Tyrosh to serve as the Archon's cupbearer, where she could meet her betrothed in secret, while her brother Quentyn was being raised to assume the seat of their House.
Finally he reveals why her brother is overseas: to bring back their heart's desire. When Arianne asks what that is, her father presses a cyvasse dragon piece into her hand and replies, "Vengeance. Justice. Fire and blood."
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With Pycelle prostrate before her, Cersei accuses him of letting Gyles Rosby die, because she believes he is now taking orders from Margaery. The Grand Maester denies this, explaining that he visits the young queen to give her sleeping potions, but Cersei knows otherwise.
Forcing a confession from him that he also brings Margaery moon tea, she then commands him to announce that Lord Rosby's dying wish was to donate all his lands and incomes to the Crown.
Lady Taena wonders how Margaery could be so foolish, but Cersei is too excited to care. She does realize that she will need more proof in order to have Margaery executed for treason, knowing that she must arrange to have the girl caught in the act. She asks Taena and her husband to bring the Blue Bard to dinner that night.
During the meal, Cersei demotes Ser Harys Swyft to Lord Treasurer, and with the position of Hand now vacant, she offers the title to Lord Orton Merryweather. Lord Orton accepts, although he is notably uncomfortable during the dinner, particularly due to the presence of Margaery's favorite singer.
Cersei wastes little time moving on to the Blue Bard, accusing him of sleeping with Queen Margaery. The singer denies it, despite Cersei smashing him in the face with his own lute, and even later in the black cells under interrogation by Qyburn.
But the defrocked maester tortures the singer into submission, and they lead him to say what they want. He accuses several others of also having carnal knowledge of Margaery, and then Cersei promises that he will be allowed to take the black after he confesses in front of the court.
Later, Taena persuades Cersei to name Alla as innocent, since they may be able to use her to bear witness against Margaery and her other cousins. At breakfast, Tommen mentions that Margaery will be at the Sept for Maiden's Day.
Cersei then launches the final move of her scheme, commanding Ser Osney to go before the High Septon and admit his sins of "bedding" Margaery, Elinor and Megga. The youngest Kettleblack agrees to do so, but states, "The best lies have some truth in 'em... to give 'em flavor, as it were," so the Queen Regent then allows him to have his way with her.
Ser Jaime and Ser Brynden face each other across the drawbridge to Riverrun, alone for a parley during the siege of Riverrun. The Blackfish is aware of the oath Jaime swore to Catelyn, but the member of the Kingsguard makes it known he does not have the Stark girls.
He offers Edmure Tully in exchange for Lady Sybell Spicer and her children, but Brynden refuses, telling him he swore to his king to keep his wife safe and won't hand her over to a Frey noose. Jaime responds that the girl has been pardoned and no harm will come to her, nor anyone else if Brynden yields Riverrun; they will be free to go or take the black as they choose, but Brynden dismisses the offer, claiming that he and his men would rather die with swords in their hands than "be paraded through King's Landing to die like Eddard Stark". Brynden adds that he is well provisioned for a siege and the Lannister and Frey casualties will be far higher than his own if they storm Riverrun.
The Blackfish also makes it clear that he believes Lord Tywin had a hand in the Red Wedding, though that will never absolve the Freys for their breach of the sacred laws of hospitality. Jaime challenges the older knight to single combat, with each choosing a champion.
When Brynden prods Jaime to face him himself, Jaime cannot help but rise to the bait. But the Blackfish is not so foolish as to trust that Jaime's terms would be honored. The parley over, Jaime rides back to his camp and calls his captains for a war council, resolved that he must break his vow to Lady Catelyn and storm Riverrun.
The lords of the riverlands who have bent the knee to the Iron Throne do not tolerate the Freys' presence at the war council. Ser Ryman is too drunk to attend, but Edwyn and Bastard Walder are present. When confronted by Lord Clement Piper as to the condition of his son, Ser Marq, Edwyn replies that he is still held at the Twins to ensure that Pinkmaiden is truly loyal to the Iron Throne.
When Bastard Walder and Lord Clement nearly come to blows when Piper challenges Edwyn to a duel over a threat to Lord Clement's heir, Jaime silences them, ending the council prematurely. Lord Clement storms out, and Lord Vance explains to Jaime that as well as his first born son, several of Lord Clement's cousins and nephews accompanied Marq to the Twins, and are either captives or dead.
When Edwyn denounces them as traitors and rebels, Jaime coldly retorts that the Freys first rebelled against the Crown with Robb Stark and then betrayed him, making them twice the traitors House Piper are. Jaime takes enjoyment out of watching Edwyn's smug attitude evaporate at that remark.
Summoning Ser Ilyn Payne and Ser Lyle Crakehall, Jaime heads straight for the Frey camp. He first has Payne cut loose Edmure Tully, and when Edwyn and his father, Ser Ryman, come forth to protest, he warns them to keep quiet.
When Ryman persists, stating that he is the heir to the Crossing, Jaime punches him in the face with his golden hand. He then dismisses Ryman back to the Twins, sick of the man's whoring and drinking, and takes the bladed crown that his whore wears.
When Jaime places Edwyn in charge of the Freys, Jaime witnesses a glimpse of the contempt Edwyn feels for his own father. Jaime also demands that Lord Walder release all the hostages that he has imprisoned at the Twins.
Jaime asks that Ser Ryman's singer accompany him back to his pavilion, and has his squires draw a bath for Edmure. Jaime informs Edmure that he will be returned to Riverrun forthwith, and if he yields the castle, all will end well for him.
The terms are that the smallfolk can stay and serve Lord Emmon Frey, Ser Brynden will be permitted to take the black along with any of the garrison who choose the same, and Edmure and his pregnant wife Roslin will be well-treated prisoners at Casterly Rock.
If their child is a boy, Jaime says he will serve House Lannister as a page and squire, and they will grant the boy some lands when he gets his knighthood. If it is a girl, the Lannisters will make sure she has a good dowry when she is old enough to wed.
When Edmure asks what will happen should he refuse to yield, Ser Jaime indicates that he will assault Riverrun's walls in waves. The ex-Tully bannermen will attack first, as fodder, followed by the Freys, and finally his cousin Daven's westermen. After the castle falls, Jaime will see that Riverrun is demolished and put all within its walls to the sword.
Jaime also delivers a personal threat: should Roslin give birth before the siege is lifted, he will deliver the child to Edmure, within the castle, by trebuchet. As Jaime leaves the tent, commanding Ryman's singer to play "The Rains of Castamere" for Edmure, the former Lord of Riverrun pleads, "No. Not him. Get him away from me."
You’ve Stayed Through The Movie’s Final Credits — A Seemingly Endless Scrolling Of Mysterious Job Titles Like Best Boy, Grip, And Foley Artist — And If You’re Like
You’ve Stayed Through The Movie’s Final Credits — A Seemingly Endless Scrolling Of Mysterious Job Titles Like Best Boy, Grip, And Foley Artist — And If You’re Like Many People, You Have No Idea What All These Individuals Do,
Happy World Typing Day! I love typing whilst the social media team record me.
It's World Typing Day! I am doing a typing test to see how good I am. Am I the best at typing? I love typing whilst the social media team record me!
You’ve Stayed Through The Movie’s Final Credits — A Seemingly Endless Scrolling Of Mysterious Job Titles Like Best Boy, Grip, And Foley Artist — And If You’re Like Many People, You Have No Idea What All These Individuals Do, Or Whether They’re Just Strange Names There To Make The Audience Laugh. In Reality, These Roles Are Crucial To The Filmmaking Process, Each Contributing To The Final Product In Unique Ways. Here's A Brief Breakdown Of Some Of These Mysterious Job Titles:
Approaching the inn at the crossroads, Brienne's party encounters many corpses hanging from trees, each with a chunk of rock salt in their mouths. They surmise that these were some of the men responsible for the raid on Saltpans, probably hanged by Lord Beric's outlaw band.
Reaching the inn, they meet four girls on the porch, and the oldest addresses them. She asks for silver for a night's lodging, stating the only visitors they get are either sparrows or robbers and worse.
When Ser Hyle makes an inquiry regarding her tone, the smith approaches and Brienne is nearly floored by his resemblance to Renly. Inside, Brienne plans to leave before dawn with Podrick only, although she is unsure where to go. At dinner, Septon Meribald leads a prayer, but Gendry does not participate and returns to his forge.
One of the orphan boys tells the septon that it is because he worships the Lord of Light. Brienne delivers some food to Gendry and mentions his resemblance to King Robert, but they are interrupted by riders drawing near.
Gendry says they are friends, but when Brienne peeks out, she recognizes Biter among the seven men. The leader, wearing the helm of Sandor Clegane, threatens to kill Willow if she fires her crossbow.
Brienne draws Oathkeeper and intercedes. One of the men says that they are wounded and seek only fresh horses, for they are being chased by outlaws. But the large man wearing the Hound's helm charges Brienne, remembering her well.
She makes short work of him, running him through with Oathkeeper, and she whispers "Sapphires" as Rorge dies. But she is blindsided by Biter, who tackles her to the ground. The huge cannibal smashes her in the face, breaking bones, and then shatters her forearm.
She hears the sounds of swords clashing in the background, but then Biter takes a bite out of her face. Her last vision is Biter's tongue sticking out, obscenely long, almost like it were a sword...