हालका कमेन्टहरू


This quote hits so hard.

Anders Thomas Jensen
Einstein no ganó el premio Nobel por la teoría de la relatividad, fué por el …

Eyedea & Abilities
Added basic punctuation

Anxiety can be as stifling as a broken leg. However, all things being equal, a …


user783791's उद्धारणहरू

सबै उद्धारणहरू

user783791 - Stuck at 85 WPM
Alas, I am stuck. It seems that no matter how many words I type, my average speed hits a wall at about 85 words per minute. If it briefly gets any higher, gravity quickly pulls it down, like a man who jumped from a cliff because he thought he could fly. Another invisible wall sits at about 100 words per minute, and it seems like it is impossible to type any quotes faster than that. Am I stuck here forever?