हालका कमेन्टहरू


This quote hits so hard.

Anders Thomas Jensen
Einstein no ganó el premio Nobel por la teoría de la relatividad, fué por el …

Eyedea & Abilities
Added basic punctuation

Anxiety can be as stifling as a broken leg. However, all things being equal, a …


user66863's उद्धारणहरू

सबै उद्धारणहरू

Louiza Agustin
Our life is really unpredictable, we will never know when we will die, nor will we know how long our lives will be. Sometimes we're on the summit of the mountain, but later on, without noticing it, we're already on the bottom of the mountain again. That is why we must always think the choices that we will choose in our lives, because one wrong move can ruin us.