हालका कमेन्टहरू


This quote hits so hard.

Anders Thomas Jensen
Einstein no ganó el premio Nobel por la teoría de la relatividad, fué por el …

Eyedea & Abilities
Added basic punctuation

Anxiety can be as stifling as a broken leg. However, all things being equal, a …


user263325's उद्धारणहरू

सबै उद्धारणहरू

Dr. Richards - Populations
Populations may display short-term fluctuations due to density-independent factors. The population of Dungeness crabs fluctuates due to density-dependent factors like intraspecific competition and cannibalism and density-independent factors like changes in water temperature due to ocean currents.

Dr. Richards - Populations
The populations of many short-lived animals, or those living in variable environments, go through a period of exponential growth, followed by a sudden crash (boom and burst curve). The crash occurs before the population reaches the carrying capacity; it is due to a density-independent limitation such as weather or other physical environmental factors.