हालका कमेन्टहरू

And guess what happened to me while typing this quote? :c

Efficient Linux at the Command Line by Daniel J. Barrett
Not gonna lie, no matter how fast you type, there's always going to be a …

I bet you get praised for your intelligence very often.

A good sign that you should stop adding quotes to this site. That and your …

Whenever I visit this site, I can be sure to come across regurgitated platitudes.


sharlontaee's उद्धारणहरू

सबै उद्धारणहरू

362 OVERSEER - 362 - The 362 LORDS
Let's be honest, 362 is one of the greatest organizations to ever be created. Do you remembering? Do you remembering well? 362 baby, that's how we live. And if we aren't living then we are dead. Do you understanding?