हालका कमेन्टहरू

John Berger
check grammar spaces and spelling please

hindi me kaise type kare nahi ho raha hai

William H. Rehnquist
How hasn't this bullshit been removed yet?

Thank you! I got my new highest speed on this one!

You are missing a large part of the point of the Hunger Games - it's …


phoenixjae00's उद्धारणहरू

सबै उद्धारणहरू

Dr John Martin
Water is wet because we perceive it to be, it cannot be just due to learning and experience or else it would be different for everyone. When two sensations are combined, that of light touch and coolness, we perceive wet. This has been studied since the 1800's and this illusion (Thurnbergs Illusion) of wetness has been replicated with cold metal disks. When you place a cool metal disk on someone's forehead they often perceive it as water, perhaps even expecting it to drip.